About us
Who are we?
General director: Abderrahman El Anjeri
The mission of the festival falls within the framework of the territorial marketing of the province of Larache, as it gives a national and international promotional radiance to the region, which is rich in its diverse and varied cultural and natural heritage.
The festival performances will be held in the archaeological site of Lixus, the Saadian Towers, the spaces of the ancient city, the colonial and Morisco, squares and public spaces, and the city of the KSSAR EL KBIR.
Support the 2025 vision of sustainable tourism in Morocco’s Larache region. Value tangible and intangible heritage, create jobs, and improve living standards. Foster dialogue, tolerance, and cultural exchange through art, music, and festivals. Preserve historical sites and religious monuments symbolizing coexistence. Safeguard intangible heritage like cuisine and storytelling. Raise awareness about climate change and protect natural resources.